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How Does Hospice Work? Everything You Need to Know

Facing the end of life can be an overwhelmingly difficult situation for anyone with a life-limiting or terminal illness and their family. Thankfully, home hospice care programs are available, bringing comfort and solace to the patient and their loved ones. If you’re wondering “how does hospice work,” we explain below.

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call us at (702) 509-5276 or contact us online.


How Does Hospice Work?

Hospice care is 24/7 at-home nursing assistance for any person regardless of age with a life expectancy of twelve months or less due to illness, but it’s so much more than that. An in-home hospice care patient will be provided with emotional support and companionship while making their last days pain-free and providing true quality of life.

Patients are provided with a team which may consist of doctors, nurses, counselors, and aides from the comfort of the patient’s own home. These workers can:

  • Provide any needed medical equipment
  • Administer pain medication
  • Change bedding
  • Change bedpans and help patients to the bathroom
  • Assist with moving the patient to prevent bed sores
  • Monitor vital signs
  • Administer catheters and enemas as needed
  • Provide showers or baths
  • Help with dressing and feeding

Non-medical services include providing spiritual guidance, helping the patient to understand and acknowledge that the end of their life is near, and helping bring the patient and their family to the point of peace.

Related: Does Hospice Mean “The End”?


Medicare Plan A patients are eligible for hospice care for six months if they meet certain criteria. Insurance companies can provide additional information with respect to their individual plans.

Hospice is meant to bring quality of life and ensure that they enjoy their last days the best that they can. Every patient’s life is unique, and programs are structured to fit around what you and your loved ones want and need from the program. Your family can decide when and how often services should be provided, and on-call service is always available 24 hours per day.


Hospice Provides Compassionate Care For Your Family

Providing hospice care is a humane and compassionate option not just for the individual but the family of the patient as well. Taking care of a loved one is life-consuming, stressful, and emotionally taxing. Aides lessen the burden of the complicated care the patient needs, allowing the family to focus on enjoying the company of their loved one during their last days while knowing that they are well taken care of.

Related: 7 Challenges Children Face When Becoming Their Parents’ Caregiver

Hospice aides and counselors know how painful losing a loved one is, and because of this, emotional support and bereavement counseling services for the family are an important part of care. Counselors can walk the family through what to expect and help them work through the stages of grief until they can come to acceptance.


Choosing the Right Hospice Care Provider

Quality of life is of the utmost importance, and hospice care was created with that at its heart. Omni Care Hospice provides supportive, dedicated, and comfortable care to you and your family during this challenging, emotional journey. The life in days are more important than the number left, and hospice care makes sure that quality, supportive care is at the forefront.

If you or a loved one are facing a life-limiting illness, consider hospice to ensure accommodating and compassionate care for yourself or your family member is met. You can contact us for help on choosing the best end-of-life comfort care for your loved one or download our hospice care guide below.

Download Omni Home Hospice Care Guide