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10 Calming Ways to Cope with Grief After Losing a Loved One

how to cope with grief

When the reality of a loved one that passes away settles, it can be one of the most challenging experiences in life. The state of our work, inner happiness, and other personal relationships can be negatively impacted if a support system of people to keep us uplifted is not present. But did you know that hospice and bereavement counseling go hand in hand?

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How to Cope with Grief After Losing a Loved One

The loss of a loved one is an inevitable moment in all of our lives, but you don’t have to suffer alone. We listed a few helpful ways for you to cope with the loss to keep your mind at ease.

1. Allow yourself to grieve

You can drown yourself in work or the many addictions in life or decide to heal your mind, body, and spirit the healthy way. It is completely natural to feel pain, loneliness, and feel sad during this period. After all, you are only human. Here are a few ways to help you:

  • Request time off of work or business
  • Embrace the stages of denial, anger, depression and acceptance

2. Open about your feelings

A long talk with someone in your family or circle of friends is the starting point of change. If you prefer to speak to a life coach or counselor, advice from an unbiased person can help you healthily manage your feelings.

3. Go on a road trip or vacation

If you have the resources, a vacation to an exotic place or a road trip to see nature can help you come to terms with the loss of your loved one. When you step outside of your normal environment, the mind and heart tend to remove negative feelings.

4. Embrace the memories

One of the best ways to cope is to remember the funny moments, good times and heartwarming experiences you had with your loved one. It can spark interesting conversations with people that were close to them, and you might learn more about them than what you thought you knew.

5. Reschedule life-changing events

Now is the time to review your schedule and cancel or reschedule major events in your life such as a wedding, moving to a new place, or finding a new job. It is healthy to allow yourself to recover to avoid making an impulsive decision from emotions that you can handle at a time when you are feeling better.

6. Re-engage old relationships

Life can often keep us busy to the point when we lose touch with people we used to be close. It is the perfect time to re-invest your energy on old friends, colleagues, and friends you used to have a close relationship. It can help you to keep your mind on the situation and re-establish a new bond with someone that understands you.

7. Think about what your loved one wants

Ask yourself if your loved one would want to see you mourning their loss for an extended period. If the loved one that passed away most likely will tell you that life continues and they would prefer to see you happy, try to make peace with the experience the best way you can.

8. Do what you love

Life is short, but you can turn this situation around into one that is beneficial for your future. If there is a business you always wanted to start, an instrument or a new language you want to learn, use your time to work on yourself to become a better person.

9. Celebrate anniversaries

You can arrange one day of the year on your loved one’s birthday or the anniversary of their death to celebrate the memories. Invite people that were close to them and talk about the positive way in which your loved one helped change your lives. Decorate your place with photos and memorabilia to get people smiling and laughing to appreciate the old times spent you had with them.

10. Appreciate the relationships you have

It is a good time to start appreciating your friends, mentors, family, and colleagues with acts of kindness. If you spend more time at work than at home, plan more family outings.The reality of life’s responsibilities may have kept you away from a girl or guy’s night out. Tell the people in your life how much you love them and care because you never know if their time here will end.

Related: How to Say Goodbye When Your Loved One’s Time Is Near

Coping With Grief Is Challenging

We understand how difficult it is to say goodbye to someone that you were close. You are entitled to cry and accept your feelings because it is one of the first steps to recovery. Surround yourself with people that love you. Take a chance on something new and try a completely new hobby to rekindle your joy of life. After you recapture your inner happiness, you can re-establish new relationships and show gratitude for the people in your life that mean the world to you.

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