Omni Care Hospice

How to Care for a Dying Parent at Home

As a child providing care for a dying parent, it can be emotionally and psychologically challenging, especially if you are responsible for seeing to his or her well-being at home. However, it is important that you can speak freely with your parent about the situation so you can provide the best end-of-life care.

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Giving Your Parent a Peaceful Passage at the End of Their Life

Despite the circumstances, it is possible to help your loved one manage.

What to Expect

In caring for a parent, you may have trouble with the reversal of roles: you as the caregiver and your parent as an individual who requires your assistance. It will be hard to see your mother or father struggle daily. You should expect there to be an adjustment period during which both of you have to become accustomed to your new roles.

What to Do When Your Elderly Parent is Dying

Although it may be challenging, there are some things that you can do to aid your elderly parent during this time in their life.

Maintain a Peaceful Atmosphere

Your elderly parent will have enough stress trying to handle their own process of dealing with his or her passing. Avoid having anything or anyone who may cause discord in your parent’s immediate environment. Designate the room where he or she spends a lot of time as a place where only quiet activities can be held unless he or she requests otherwise.

Talk with Your Parent about Dying and Death

To start the conversation, you may want to wait for a time when he or she is alert, and plenty of time to talk privately. Focus on being an active listener and let your parent’s responses guide what you should what you should say next. Don’t be afraid to openly acknowledge your parent’s fear or grief about his or her passing.

Related: End of Life Timeline: Signs & Symptoms of the Dying Process

Understand the Stages of Grief

Often with the realization of that a loved one is dying comes grief. It’s a normal and natural response to losing someone who is important to you. The process can affect your mental state, behavior, emotions and more as you go through each stage, which includes:

You and your elderly parent may help each other through the grief process and cope with the reality of dying by:

The acknowledgment of feelings that result from actively engaging in mourning and grieving can help you and your parent deal more effectively with the situation.

Explore Hospice in Providing Care for a Dying Parent

The specialized support and care of home hospice services can be a comfort both the patient and his or her family. Some of the advantages of home hospice and dying at home include:

Providing care for a dying parent at home may be one of the most trying experiences you may have to go through. However, a home hospice care provider may make the process easier for both of you.

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